Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Learning Outcome 2

These are two solo performances I did at the Music On The Meadows festival in Henley. This festival was a great opportunity for me to perform solo, as I was originally going to be playing in the evening part of the day in the battle of the bands with my band The Monarchs. However, since we split up before the event, I opted to keep our slot and play two solos instead. The event was outside on a bandstand. There were about 2000 people there in total, with over a thousand watching me. This is the largest audience I have ever played to!

The first song is Rope by Foo Fighters. I aimed to stick to the part with this one (Learning it by ear), and played it pretty much as it is played by Taylor Hawkins on the original track. I managed to get hold of a drum-less version of the track which is what I am playing to here. I also had a metronome click in my headphones to better stay in time - especially in the drum solo. At one point the song cut out for a second before resuming where it stopped. I am not sure why this happened, but it didn't really affect the overall performance so it was not too much of a problem. 

The second piece is Heartbreaker by Michael Jackson. In this piece, at one point at the beginning of my second drum breakdown/solo, I noticed that the bass drum had slipped forwards to the point where my double bass pedal had locked up. For this reason I had to stop for a moment to pull the bass drum back to where it was. Other than this though, I don't think that I made too many mistakes - considering that it was improvised. There were one or two small slips, but they weren't detrimental to the overall performance.

Here I have two more solo performances. Both were recorded in one live take.

There performances were performed to camera. I managed to play both of these pretty much error free and am pleased with my performances in both videos.

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